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'The Power and the Glory', 'Scout I' and 'Scout II' were created in 2018.


'The Power and the Glory' was shortlisted for the John Ruskin Prize 2019: Agent of Change. Below is the accompanying text for the shortlisted piece:

I'm interested in creating multiple meanings in my work, either stirring ambiguous emotions or inviting more specific questions. By holding back visual information I invite the viewer to fill in the blanks with their emotional responses. The anonymous eyes and mouth of the subject suggest a balaclava, an item which has many connotations associated with conflict - Activist, militia, rebel, change-maker, gang-member, protester, villain, superhero. Our immediate emotional responses are a product of our experiences in time – do we experience a fear response or are we reminded of activist groups such as Pussy Riot? Do we feel threatened or emboldened? Either way, this piece looks at the power of individuals to ultimately make change and the effects we feel. The crown is used as a symbol of power, but the question here is who holds the power and was the power awarded or was it taken by force? What happens next?


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